YKAN and BLUD UPTD KKP Raja Ampat Join Forces to Enhance Fisheries Data Collection Effectiveness
Media Contacts
Adia Puja Pradana
Communications Specialist Ocean Program YKAN
Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara
Email: adia.pradana@ykan.or.id
Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN) and the Regional Public Service Agency, Technical Management Unit for Marine Conservation Areas (BLUD UPTD KKP) of Raja Ampat Regency, conducted training on the Crew-Operated Data Recording System (CODRS) method, Frame Survey, and fish species identification in Indonesia. The training, held from September 9-12, 2024, in Sorong City, aimed to enhance the effectiveness of catch data collection and improve the fishermen's ability to enter data and identify fish species. This effort will increase the BLUD's and the government's understanding of fish stock conditions in the waters of Raja Ampat.
"This training is a follow-up to the collaboration between BLUD UPTD KKP Raja Ampat and YKAN, which includes activities such as the identification and survey of fishermen's catches, surveys of marine ecosystem conditions, human resource capacity building, and community empowerment," said Syafri, Head of BLUD UPTD KKP Raja Ampat.

Syafri also explained that the catch data collection program would involve local fishing communities in the Raja Ampat Marine Conservation Area, particularly in Area V Kofiau-Boo. "This training is expected to enhance the capacity and knowledge of BLUD UPTD KKP Raja Ampat staff and the involved fishermen so that the data collection process in the Marine Conservation Area becomes more accurate and provides better management recommendations," Syafri explained.
YKAN's Senior Program Manager for the Bird's Head Seascape, Awaludinnoer Ahmad, highlights YKAN's ongoing partnership with the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (KKP) since 2014, and its continuous efforts to support sustainable fisheries management, particularly in the 148,979-hectare Raja Ampat Marine Conservation Area V Kofiau-Boo.
According to him, the Marine Conservation Area under the management of BLUD UPTD KKP Raja Ampat is a region rich in marine and fishery resources and biodiversity. This natural wealth has been the lifeline for the Kofiau community for generations.
"In addition to enhancing the capacities of local staff and fishermen, collaborations like this can strengthen the partnership between BLUD UPTD KKP Raja Ampat and YKAN. The data collection program, supported by the Blue Action Fund (BAF), is also expected to contribute to the development of a Harvest Strategy, which combines monitoring, assessment, control rules, and management actions designed to meet the objectives of sustainable fisheries," Awaludinnoer stated.
CODRS Method for Identifying Fisheries Conditions
Since 2022, YKAN has collaborated with several coastal fishermen in the Bird's Head Seascape, Southwest Papua, to collect catch data using the CODRS method. This method is an effective way to monitor and assess the condition of fisheries in an area, in this case, the Raja Ampat Marine Conservation Area V Kofiau-Boo.
"Implementing catch data collection using the CODRS method is an effort to overcome one of the challenges of fisheries management in Indonesia: the lack of fisheries data. YKAN's experience of more than seven years in collecting fisheries data with the CODRS approach is expected to be a reference in the management of conservation areas, particularly in KKP Raja Ampat Area V Kofiau-Boo," said YKAN's Fisheries Conservation Strategic Lead, Glaudy Perdanahardja.

Therefore, Glaudy hopes that through this training, BLUD UPTD KKP Raja Ampat staff will better master the identification of 120 types of deep-sea snapper-grouper, tuna, and small pelagic fish. In addition, the trainees are also expected to conduct a Frame Survey to identify fishing vessels operating within the BLUD UPTD KKP Raja Ampat's working area.
"Recording active fishing vessels in the KKP Area V Kofiau-Boo is also one of the targets that BLUD UPTD KKP Raja Ampat aims to achieve. These data can be used for sustainable management in the overall working area of BLUD UPTD KKP Raja Ampat and specifically in KKP Area V Kofiau-Boo," he concluded.
Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN) is a scientific-based non-profit organization that has been present in Indonesia since 2014. With the mission of protecting lands and waters as life support systems, we provide innovative solutions to realize the harmony of nature and humans through effective natural resource management, prioritizing a non-confrontational approach, and building a network of partnerships with all stakeholders for a sustainable Indonesia. For more information, visit ykan.or.id.