Photo caption Webinar Bingka series related to HCV in plantations. © YKAN


Finding the Role of High Conservation Value Areas(HCVAs) in Sustainable Plantations

Knowledge about the management of High Conservation Value (HCV) needs to be continuously improved to implement the principles of Sustainable Plantations. HCV refers to land or areas that have significant biological, ecological, social, and cultural value at local, regional, national, or global levels.

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As part of efforts to expand knowledge about HCV, particularly in oil palm plantation areas, YKAN collaborated with the Sustainable Plantation Communication Forum of East Kalimantan to hold the seventh Bincang Komoditas Perkebunan Lestari (Bingka Kaltim) in July 2024 in Samarinda.

Photo Caption Photos 2 & 3: Webinar Bingka series related to HCV in plantations. © YKAN
BINGKA KALTIM-7 The Role of High Conservation Value (HCV) in Sustainable Plantations in East Kalimantan.

The event featured speakers including the Head of the Sustainable Plantation Division of the East Kalimantan Plantation Office, Asmirilda; the Head of the Natural Resources Division of the East Kalimantan Regional Secretary's Bureau, Nanang Hayani; academician Dr. Rustam; community representatives from Nehas Liah Bing Village; and Martinus Aken from Kutai Timur Regency. They shared their experiences in the ongoing management of HCV.

This discussion activity also serves as a warm-up for the upcoming Consolidated HCV Discussion in September. This discussion will cover the roadmap for HCV in East Kalimantan through 2030. It's a powerful demonstration of the commitment of local governments and various parties towards sustainable plantations and green development.