Quote: Yulianti Rahman
As coastal women who depend on marine resources, we are aware of the importance of marine conservation for the sustainability of our business. If the sea is healthy, fish will also continue to exist.
In August 2021, 12 housewives from Kulati Village, East Tomia District, Wakatobi Regency, Southeast Sulawesi, joined a group called Padatimu To'asoki to promote sustainable economic efforts for a better future. In the local language, this name has deep meaning. "Padatimu is our ancestor's name, a female figure in Kulati Village. Meanwhile, To'asoki means disciplined or orderly. We would be disciplined in carrying out our commitment to success," explained Yulianti Rahman, Head of the Padatimu To'asoki Group.
The Padatimu To'asoki group is located in Kulati Village, in the waters of the Wakatobi Archipelago, one of the Coral Triangle areas, which is the center of the world's marine biodiversity. Fishery resources are very abundant and must be used sustainably.

One of the most common fish caught in Kulati Village is Simba fish (Caranx ignobilis). The Padatimu To'asoki group processes it into fish cracker products. "From deliberation results, checking raw materials, and public interest, we chose Simba fish crackers," explained Yulianti.
Yulianti added that to support efforts to use marine resources wisely and sustainably, the Padatimu To'asoki Group has made a conservation agreement. One of the essential points in the conservation agreement, this group is committed to using only Simba fish caught using environmentally friendly and non-destructive tools as the crucial ingredient for crackers in our endeavor. If the sea is healthy, fish will also continue to exist," he said.
Supporting this commitment, Yayasan Konservasi Alam Nusantara (YKAN), the Wakatobi National Park Office, the Wakatobi Regency Marine and Fisheries Service, Jasa Raharja, and the Ecotourism Group of Kulati Poassa Nuhada Village assisted the Padatimu To'asoki Group. Through a series of activities, ranging from identifying potentials, institutional strengthening, production training, and recipe trials, Simba fish crackers will be launched in October 2021. To ensure that consumers widely accept Simba fish crackers, this product has been equipped with a Food permit Household Industry (PIRT).

The hard work of Yulianti and members of the Padatimu To'asoki Group has paid off even though this effort is still in its early stages. Although still relatively new, this group has gained many customers outside of Tomia Island, even to Papua and Halmahera. This fish cracker is quite affordable for the local community, Rp. 15,000 per pack. Since its establishment from August 2021 until April 2022, 1,300 packages of Simba crackers have been sold.

The achievements of the Padatimu To'asoki Group are the beginning of future accomplishments that will further improve the welfare of the Kulati Village community. "In the future, we want our Simba crackers to be enjoyed in the Indonesian market anderseas," said Yulianti. Yulianti's spirit echoes in the hearts of the Padatimu To'asoki Group members, who consistently work together to build their flagship product of fish crackers for a sustainable and sustainable future.