Climate change mitigation at a jurisdictional level has been encouraged by YKAN since 2010 through the Berau Forest Carbon Program (Program Karbon Hutan Berau or PKHB), which is one of the first jurisdictional-scale REDD+ demonstration programs at the regency level in Indonesia. Embracing the commitment of the East Kalimantan Provincial Government and authority changes in regional government, YKAN supports green development initiatives at the provincial level by using lessons learned from PKHB.
In 2016, with partners, YKAN supported East Kalimantan Provincial Government in declaring East Kalimantan Green Development Agreement. This agreement was fully manifested in 2017 through seven model initiatives with support from 26 stakeholders from government sectors, private sectors, academia, and non-profit organizations or community groups. Through these seven initiatives, lessons learned from the manifestation of the green development will be the basis of expansion and replication at a higher level and broader scale. As of September 2021, the green development manifestation has developed to twelve initiatives with supports from 309 stakeholder groups. The progress of the agreement and the implementation of the initiatives can be monitored through webpage:
YKAN continues its support for East Kalimantan, specifically for DDPI, in mainstreaming green development and mobilizing related supports. Furthermore, YKAN also assists Governors’ Climate and Forest Task Force (GCF-TF) in progressing green development in North Kalimantan.