Terrestrial Program

Climate Change Mitigation Framework at the National and Subnational Levels

Keindahan hutan Kalimantan
Lungs of the World Kalimantan rainforest is estimated to be older than the Amazon forest © YKAN

Climate change mitigation framework is conducted at the national and sub-national levels to support and foster green development

Climate change mitigation commitments through natural climate solutions, by establishing multi-stakeholder collaboration commitment, creating enabling conditions, mobilizing resources such as technical capacity, scientific basis, and funding support, identifying policy gaps regarding jurisdictional scale, and facilitating green growth compact prototypes at the landscape level.

The strategy is conducted through 5 substrategies:

  • Jurisdictional-scale Green Development Agreement

    Climate change mitigation at a jurisdictional level has been encouraged by YKAN since 2010 through the Berau Forest Carbon Program, which is one of the first jurisdictional-scale REDD+ demonstration programs at the regency level in Indonesia. Read More

  • Endangered Species Habitat Conservation

    This sub-strategy attempts to resolve the conservation challenge that 80% of endangered species habitats are located outside of the conservation areas. Read More

  • Protected Landscape Management

    This sub-strategy attempts to support 500,000 hectares of Sangkulirang-Mangkalihat karst landscape protection located in Berau Regency and East Kutai Regency. Read More

  • Integrated Watershed Management

    This sub-strategy encourages participatory integrated watershed (DAS) management. Read More

  • Natural Climate Solutions

    Natural Climate Solutions

    Natural Climate Solution is a series of mitigation efforts based on natural resources that cover the protection of forest and wetlands, forest management improvement, and forest, peatland, and mangrove ecosystems restoration. Read More

Green Growth Compact YKAN applies a regional-based climate change mitigation and adaptation framework strategy in the forestry sector, sustainable plantations, and community empowerment. This strategy opens a space for collaboration between stakeholders in order to strengthen the commitment to green development.