Indonesia's total territory is around 7.81 million km2. The marine territory covers a total of 3.25 million km2, in which 2.55 million km2 of it is designated as Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ). The EEZ area is divided into 11 Fishery Management Areas (FMAs) with distinct characteristics in its ecology, natural resources, infrastructure, human resource capacity, and industry. The Indonesian tropical marine areas in all of its FMAs are famous for abundant marine fish species with significant economic value.
Crew-Operated Data Recording System (CODRS)
The challenge of fisheries management is the lack of information on fishery stocks. Often we don't know what kind of fish, where, and how many were caught. YKAN uses the Crew Operated Data Systems (CODRS) method to obtain the required data.

Picture identification application called FishFace becomes an innovation that allows fishers to identify and track their catch using cellular technology.
Although Indonesian FMAs are famous for their abundant marine fish species with significant economic value, high-value fisheries such as snapper, tuna, grouper, and other related species have been overexploited, decreasing their quantities. Therefore, the management of harvest strategy in FMAs and community-based management in traditional fishery zone is very important so that these fishery resources can be used sustainably.