Blue economy refers to the management of marine natural resources to support sustainable development.
The blue economy concept is relevant to our project intervention sites located in critical marine habitats that must be protected. Blue economy development in these regions is necessary as the poverty level in the area is either high or very high compared to the national economy. The locals have a low capacity to manage their natural resources and finances as well as limited access to markets.
We implemented Community Inspiring Actions for Change (Aksi Inspiratif Warga untuk Perubahan or SIGAP) in all project sites. SIGAP is a participatory approach to include the local community in formulating and monitoring development progress in their village.
This approach aims to improve coastal habitats and marine resources management and create sustainable businesses through community-based initiatives such as aquaculture (seaweed and shrimp), ecotourism, and other sustainable nature-based economic opportunities.
Almost 60% of Indonesians live in coastal areas and depend on marine and coastal resources. We facilitate these communities by applying the SIGAP approach.

Program Overview
Shrimp-Carbon Aquaculture
Mangrove restoration through environmentally based management of traditional shrimp pond cultivation practices.