You may have met our team of fundraisers in public places such as shopping centres, office, events, exhibitions, bazaars, and schools. They work in public areas, and also through our Telefundraising team, we invite the public to get involved in efforts to protect nature and preserve life by becoming regular donors.
How do you know that a fundraiser is legitimate?
Our Fundraising team will not ask you to donate in cash and they are not allowed to accept it for security reasons. If you agree to join as a YKAN Sobat Lestari, our Fundraising team can help you fill out the donation form. You don't need to worry about the confidentially of you personal and financial information because we will keep it safe.
Have any other questions?
Contact our Donor Care team at (021) 50986089 or WhatsApp to (0812) 97104106 or email to during operational hours Monday-Friday at 09.00 – 17.00 WIB.
How to Become a Fundraiser
The main task of the fundraiser is to introduce nature conservation programs and invite the community to help Indonesia's nature to remain sustainable.
Be Our Fundraiser
Share the same vision and want to join us? Send your CV to:
Where to Find Us
The Indonesia Membership Program works together with various shopping centres, office buildings, schools, and event organizers in the following cities.
Gained more than 2,000 donors in 2016.
Our fundraising efforts in Bandung have gained over 800 donors since 2018.
Since 2018 over 500 donors have supported our conservation efforts.
As one of the conservation flagship cities in Indonesia, Bali has engaged 500 donors.
Following Bali, Yogyakarta has also begun its fundraising program journey.
As one of the latest joining cities in 2021, currently we have engaged over 200 supporters.