Multiple Blessings During Ramadan
The month of Ramadan is a holy month full of blessings. Sharing is a perfect thing and a concrete manifestation of our concern for nature, including mangroves. Only in this month will your kindness be multiplied.

Indonesia has the largest mangrove ecosystem in the world, with an area of 3.36 million hectares (KLHK, 2021). This area constitutes 23% of the world's total mangroves, which are capable of storing carbon up to a third of all carbon stored in coastal ecosystems in the world. Mangroves store 3-5 times more carbon than mainland tropical forests.
Mangrove ecosystems also have an impact on climate change. The existence of healthy mangroves in coastal areas can increase the resilience of coastal communities to climate change and minimize the effects of natural disasters, such as tsunamis, storms, and sea waves. In addition, if mangroves are managed effectively and sustainably, they can become a reliable source of income and food for local people and contribute to food and social security.

Unfortunately, since 1980 the area of mangrove forests in Indonesia has decreased and even lost around 33% (FAO 2007 and FAO 2020). The leading causes are land conversion and illegal logging.
Protecting the remaining mangrove forests is a top priority besides replanting mangrove land.
Channel your support and multiply your contribution to Indonesia's nature, including mangroves, by clicking the "DONATE" button now!
Saatnya berbagi kebaikan dan segera lipatgandakan dukuganmu hanya di bulan yang penuh berkah ini!